Environmental Governance

Environmental Governance

The Department of Environmental Governance is the regulatory arm within the Ministry, it ensures all activities undertaking to 

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How we can help you

Enforce compliance with existing environmental regulations. In addition to, it reviews contracts and agreements to which the Ministry is party to, and taking part in the negotiation of the terms and conditions stipulated in such contracts and agreements thus ensuring that the interests of the ministry are best protected and in compliance with the legislation in force.

The department is responsible for.

- Developing and enforcing legal and policy directives.
- Assisting departments in the drafting of policies, procedures, guidelines to ensure they meet the legal and constitutional thresholds as per the constitution, federal and state laws. 
- Reviewing compliance and advising on all procurement and contracts on behalf of MOERCC.
- Preparation and advisory on partnership agreements and contracts to ensure compliance with the public sector engagement regulations and procedures. 
- Represent the Ministry in any legal matter and dispute resolution.
- Review and advise on staff, consultants and experts’ contract in collaboration with the Human resources section Advising on natural resource disputes and international environmental treaties.

The department is divided into Seven sections. 

Department of Environmental Governance.